‘Now In Reverse’ presents: Amnertia & raxil4. Thursday 11th December at 6:00pm

10445550_764028383690496_5933722633204852417_nAmnertia is the main recording project of Max Leonard Hitchings, utilising techniques such as improvisation, collaboration and musique concrete to craft his hypnotic, otherworldly compositions, and often borrowing musicians for live shows.

Hitchings, along with Tim Drage, runs the Transient Constellations label and events series. He also makes visual work and performs under his own name, as dada-noise weirdo Xithi Chasm, as a member of  Chronotopolagus and a host of other noisy improv acts.

For this performance, Hitchings will be playing material from Spider Hashish, which is currently on display at Hundred Years Gallery as part of Now In Reverse exhibition.

Raxil4 is  the multi disciplinary sound and sculptural artist Andrew Page, an active figure on the London sound art, improv and noise scenes. Page’s works have been broadcast on terrestrial and internet radio, been featured on film soundtracks 10846217_764028247023843_4232642955254703371_nand his sound and installation works have been exhibited in art galleries internationally.

He has collaborated with musicians, poets, actors, performance artists, sound artists and visual artists. He has performed many improvised concerts solo, duo, trio or as part of a large scale ensemble. Occassionally he performs vocals with harsh noise act Page & Drage.

Free Entry. performance starts 6:30





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